RFlexx Warranty 2025

Frontlit R-Flexx Warranty Statement and Handling Instructions


MMTB Pty Ltd. (MMT Print) warrants to you, the Customer / Purchaser of a flexible-face, digital image non-illuminated + UV coated R-Flexx Vinyl, produced on MMT Print tested and approved material, that the face is suitable for signage purposes and free of defects in material and workmanship. As received from MMT Print, the printed image is designed for exposure to normal elements.

MMT Print further warrants the digital image will not become ineffective for its intended purpose due to fading as observed at street-level viewing distance for a period as per the zoned area map below, from the date of manufacture by MMT Print, subject to normal handling, provided Customer/Purchaser strictly adheres to, comports and complies with the following instructions herewith:

General Handling – Avoid folding, re-folding or creasing the face – this will void the warranty, unless authorised MMT Print personnel using proper techniques required for transport have performed folding at a MMT Print approved production facility. Handlers / installers should avoid creasing faces, as well as avoid imaged surface-to-imaged surface contact which results in “blocking”, or the loss of image from one or both surfaces. Each of the aforementioned occurrences will void the warranty.

Third Party Warranty – If MMT Print designates a third party to work on a digital image then MMT Print will pass on the third-party warranty to the customer. No additional warranty will be provided on the third party workscope by MMT Print under any circumstances.


Mounting and Removal – When positioning,  mounting and applying tension to the digital image, and when removing the digital image, avoid contact with any sharp or abrasive objects or substances. 

Cleaning – The painted image can be washed to remove accumulated dust and dirt. Clean using a mild soap solution applied with a soft cloth or sponge. Use of harsh detergents, solvents, abrasive cleaning compounds and/or tools will degrade the quality of the painted image. Do not wash vinyl surfaces with any type of alcohol.


General Terms and Conditions

This warranty shall be suspended in the event of an act, omission or circumstance occasioned by force majeure (as such term is hereinafter defined). MMT Print shall be absolved from liability for any act, omission or circumstance occasioned by force majeure. As used herein, the term “force majeure” shall mean any cause whatsoever not within the control of the other party affected thereby and which such party could not, be reasonable diligence have avoided and shall include but not limited to, acts of God, strikes, lockouts, or other industrial disturbances, war, blockades, fires, explosions, breakage or accidents to machinery or equipment, political unrest, riots, insurrections, actions or decrees of governmental bodies, earthquakes, typhoons, hurricanes and floods, other natural disaster and/or other matters not the fault of the affected party. Settlement of strikes, lockouts and labour disputes or disturbances shall be entirely within the discretion of the party having the difficult and the said party shall not be required to settle such strikes, lockouts and labour disputes or disturbances by acceding the other demands of opposing parties when such course is inadvisable in the discretion of the party having the difficulty. The party who has been so affected immediately shall give notice to the other party. Upon receipt of such notice, all MMT Print obligations and the warranty shall be immediately suspended.

Upon receipt of each shipment of face(s), Customer / Purchaser can disapprove same only by written notice to MMT Print within five (5) days after delivery and only with respect to obvious defects and substantial variations from Customer / Purchaser’s approved colour match and any subsequently approved MMT Print pre-production proof. If Customer / Purchaser disapproves any vinyl face(s), MMT Print can either replace the defective material(s) at no additional charge without inspection or, inspect the allegedly defective material(s). If upon inspection MMT Print determines that the material contain obvious defects or substantial variations from the Customer / Purchaser’s approved colour match any subsequently approved MMT Print pre-production proof, then MMT Print will replace the defective or non-conforming material(s) at no additional cost. If MMT Print determines that the material(s) are not defective, any replacement will be at Customer / Purchaser’s sole cost and expense.

In the event of a failed face, described as: excessively faded, MMT Print will provide at its cost, a replacement face from the previously approved digital image file, plus reasonable shipping expense from MMT Print’s imaging facility point of destination. The replacement face will be warranted for the balance of the remaining warranty period of the original face. MMT Print shall have no liability for any direct or consequential expenses or losses. MMT Print is not responsible for the expenses associated with the removal of the failed face, or any associated costs with the installation of the replacement face(s). In order for the MMT Print warranty to be honoured, the failed material must be returned to MMT Print’s Production Department in Brisbane, Australia.

Contact your MMT Print Account Manager to coordinate the return of the failed face using MMT Print approved carriers.



Zone 1   Zone 2
Adelaide, Albany, Brisbane, Canberra, Coffs Harbour, Esperance, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney, Tasmania, New Zealand.


Five (5) years.

  Alice Springs, Broken Hill, Broome, Cairns, Camarvon, Ceduna, Cook, Darwin, Dubbo, Geraldton, Kalgoorlie, Mackay, Mount Isa, Newman, Port Augusta, Port Hedland, Townsville.


All areas 100km North of line between Perth & Brisbane.


All locations (mentioned in zones 1 & 2) when installed above altitudes of 1000metres.


Four (4) years.

Zone 1   Zone 2
1st  Year         100%

2nd Year         75%

3rd Year          50%

4th Year          25%

5th Year          10%

  1st Year           100%

2nd Year           70%

3rd Year            40%

4th Year            10%